
How to sit easily and comfortably in Lotus position?

Did it help? Having been born as a South-Indian, one would think it is second nature-d to know to sit in Lotus position comfortably, but alas for more than 25 years I have struggled to sit in Lotus position comfortably. My ankle joint touching the floor ended up in pain almost always. Couple of months ago I started doing Yoga seriously and I needed to figure out a way to sit without any irritation. While I was trying to solve this issue, the thing that came to rescue was a photo in front of me of Lord Shiva sitting in Yoga posture. The solution was so simple and was staring right at my face all this while and since then I have found sitting in Lotus position not only comfortable but also something I prefer and enjoy. I passed on the knowledge to my brother and he was pleased and surprised to know this too. Now I am going to pass on this knowledge to you in the hope it will help you as much as it helped me. How to do it? When you sit down in Lotus position you wil

Best Bookmark to Make Your Reading Fun And Enjoyable

I am an avid reader of a whole host of books, from friction to auto-biographies, from self-help to motivational, I read almost all genre of books. I have always struggled to find the best way to bookmark my last read page until few days back when I was searching online and found this(I just added the usage of stick notes to this rather than plain paper since it makes the bookmark firmer). An extremely simple and effective bookmark. 1. It does not protrude and hence does not change the dimension of the book in a weird way 2. It does not get hidden like a thread leading to difficulty in opening the right page. 3. It has a perfect blend of hiding amongst pages and yet making the it extremely easy to open the right page 4. It can be of any size the reader prefers 5. Extremely quick to make All it needs is a piece of paper, stick notes is the best option since the sticky part holds the paper firmly, but any paper should do the trick. Step 1: Step 2:  

Best Compact Resume Template For All Your Interviews

What's all this about? A long time back when I was planning to apply for a new job, I was sending my resume to my friends and I got tired of hearing contradicting requests, one asking for a shorter resume and another asking for project details. I was also tired of carrying multiple copies of resumes(one pages, detailed etc etc). So I decided to create a single resume template which caters to all(or at least most) requirements I was asked by multiple consultants and recruiters if they could use the template, while I happily agreed I felt making it public could help a lot more people. Why another?  Current resume templates are  too small to cover most of your works and achievements too specific to a particular industry/field difficult to get the gist in one glance What does this offer? A summary covering most of your works and achievements (It can extend from 1 page to 2 or 3 pagesbut it is ideal to keep it to max two pages) Summary is followed by optional page