Best Bookmark to Make Your Reading Fun And Enjoyable
I am an avid reader of a whole host of books, from friction to auto-biographies, from self-help to motivational, I read almost all genre of books. I have always struggled to find the best way to bookmark my last read page until few days back when I was searching online and found this(I just added the usage of stick notes to this rather than plain paper since it makes the bookmark firmer). An extremely simple and effective bookmark. 1. It does not protrude and hence does not change the dimension of the book in a weird way 2. It does not get hidden like a thread leading to difficulty in opening the right page. 3. It has a perfect blend of hiding amongst pages and yet making the it extremely easy to open the right page 4. It can be of any size the reader prefers 5. Extremely quick to make All it needs is a piece of paper, stick notes is the best option since the sticky part holds the paper firmly, but any paper should do the trick. Step 1: Step 2: ...